Wednesday, September 14, 2011

. What we're seeing is a seemingly endless stream of repetitive and pointless panels at film festivals

As a distributor, things haven't fared much better. Indie film is certainly alive and well, but the discussion around distribution is increasingly becoming one of crass commodification, where the delivery mechanism supersedes the content. What we're seeing is a seemingly endless stream of repetitive and pointless panels at film festivals, blog posts by self-proclaimed "experts" who preach profitability over artistic integrity, and the emphasis on new and clever ways to market yourself instead of, you know, actually making a good film.
(To the many talented, daring filmmakers out there not buying into the bullshit -- I tip my hat to you all.)
As a result of all this, my passion for film has diminished to practically nil. I barely watch things anymore. Even my prized pile of rare, grey-market finds that I've been dying to dip into remains untouched. Losing interest in the thing I've loved since's a suitable cause for concern. 
Though I've made this promise before (and more than once I believe) it is my intention to revive this blog, and I'm hoping that the change of venue will rekindle my desire, and that living in a European city breeds inspiration anew. (Enthusiastic encouragement from the Self Styled Siren herself has certainly helped on this front.) The prospect of attending various film festivals throughout Europe has also served as a seductive lure.
At the same time, I can't pretend that there aren't other unrelated and deeply personal reasons for my leaving, but this isn't the place to discuss them...

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